Listening To:none, too tired

Reading:between novels

Wishing:for clarity on what i should do next.

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Monday, May. 09, 2005 - 4:02 p.m.
Another Fine Morning in Emerg

... you'd think i'd get used to it. But i don't. It only makes me more peevish and resentful.
Spent the morning in the Emergency room, making a conscious effort to breathe.

Sat there for a few hours in spite of being Triaged in quickly- they're just overworked, overwhelmed, understaffed and haven't enough space. It's tragic.
i was horribly uncomfortable, but not in any real danger... yet. Still, i know my body, i know my condition, and i knew if i don't get some help soon i would be in trouble. Hell, that's why i was there.
Some time later, they gave me a mask treatment... then another... then steroids and a bunch more inhalers. Took X-rays to ensure i don't have a low-grade pneumonia or something- technicians wearing SARS masks and treating me as if i had leprosy. Told me to go home and rest.
i can now breathe, but i can also now watch my heart beating through my chest from all the meds. It's interesting. And i'm exhausted... but also wired up.
i should probably go lie down... i've got a lot to think about. i need to think about what i'm going to do- i've been sick far too much lately, and part of it is because i'm working too hard. That's a big part of why i don't update much now, either. They said seven days a week was insane, and just too much. i am inclined to believe them, and i don't need to get admitted like last Fall.

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