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Monday, Sept. 18, 2006 - 8:58 p.m.
environmentalist? Ha!

This cracks me up. Note the amusing spelling errors. It just goes to show only ignorami would believe that Steve Irwin was a brave man who did a lot of good for the environment. I'm sure that going out into the wild with noisy, destructive film crews and risking his life by deliberately pissing off animals who were minding their own business did a lot of good for Australian wildlife. I'm sure that keeping endangered species in his private zoo and hosting shows where he regularly pissed them off and tormented them was beneficial to the ecosystems established in the Outback. Hell, I can almost believe he was a better naturalist than a parent- and we all know what a good parent he was, since all good daddies feed chickens to vicious flesh-eating reptiles while holding a chicken-sized baby in the other arm. And he was offended that people compared his parenting skills to Michael Jackson!! Personally, if i had to choose between nearly being eaten or being dangled, I think I'd choose dangled. If you plummet 30 stories, chances are your death will be significantly less agonizing than being eaten alive.
The only thing that surprised me about his death was that it didn't happen years sooner. He was an accident not only waiting to happen, but pleading for it. The only person I can think of who exhibited comparable foolishness is Timothy Treadwell, the Grizzly Man, who met a similar (and very grisly, ha-ha) fate.
I bet Treadwell would agree that being eaten is likely more unpleasant than a relatively quick smash on the pavement. While we can't exactly ask him (or his girlfriend, who was partially eaten and cach�d for later), the audiotape of his demise testifies to the veracity of that theory.

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