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2002-10-24 - 1:00 p.m.
respirology, and God's staff

Okay, for all of you who may have thought I dropped off the face of the planet because I haven�t updated recently� I haven�t. but I have had a lot on my mind, and wasn�t up to posting it yet. Some of it I�m going to try to express now, the rest� well, I might just have to keep it to myself. Sorry, but there are some things that you just can�t put up online for just anyone to see. Not to mention� if I haven�t entirely sorted through how I feel about it yet, I don�t think this is the place to explore it.

Saw the Dr. on Monday, he was not happy with me- said next time I get so much as a cold I am to go directly to get medical help. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200, go directly to Emerg if I have to. I told him how they�re stupid at the walk-in clinic and never listen to me, and he said that he doesn�t care if I have to pound on their door for an hour, I am to get what I need to prevent things from getting serious again. He also gave me a scrip for antibiotics, with repeats- the repeat is so that next time this starts, I can start taking them right away and catch it as soon as possible. Gave me the flu shot, too- said that it could not wait any more. Never mind that my lung capacity is still low, never mind that I am still ill� it needed to be looked after ASAP. He said that if I don�t look after it right away, I am liable to spend a month in the hospital next time rather than a week. That scares me� a lot. Scares the bejesus out of me. Have things really gotten that bad?

Just for the record, I have felt barfy ever since I got the flu shot. Great fun, hope it passes soon� but I do feel less nauseated than I did yesterday, and I actually managed to eat a sandwich last night.

Work is the same as usual, has its frustrating moments as well as the ones that make me feel very good about the whole thing.

I was stopped on my way into the grocery store yesterday by a crazy guy handing out religious tracts. I walked off shaking my head and ignoring him. Here�s a tip when dealing with religious nuts- never ever make eye contact, it encourages them. Anyway, my friend says to me� �but they�re doing God�s work!� and I replied� �yeah, well� God needs to hire some new staff then, because they�re going about it all wrong.�

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