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2002-11-15 - 12:51 a.m.
hot water

The hot water tap downstairs finally died. It had been leaking for some time, just a teeny little trickle, and the landlord had been saying for months that he�d fix it. We didn�t press the issue, because it was just a trickle and no more than a minor annoyance. It didn�t seem all that important, he�d get around to it eventually. What�s happened now is far more than a minor annoyance, it�s a serious pain in the butt. The tap stopped trickling and started running and wouldn�t stop. Went downstairs to do the laundry, and I heard the tap running in the bathroom, thought maybe I had left it on? And when I entered the bathroom discovered my very own sauna. The hot water had been steaming and there was condensation everywhere. The floor was soaking and there was water dripping from the ceiling. So now we have to turn the hot water to the whole house off when we�re not actually using it- which is hugely inconvenient. Means we both take our showers and do the dishes at roughly the same time, which means never enough hot water to do at least one of those things properly. Thank God that landlord is usually pretty good about fixing things, he�s promised to look after it on the weekend. Only a few more days and it will be done with and I can take a nice hot bath again.

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