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2003-07-18 - 2:14 p.m.
Canada Post and people exaggerate.

Stupid Canada Post. As if their employees don�t already get the world� they have full health benefits, they make over 20$ an hour and paid vacation� now they�re threatening to strike again.

I wouldn�t care, most of my correspondence has been done through email for some time, but now that I�m selling things on Ebay it�s a major inconvenience. It drives home that many people, especially with small businesses, still depend on the postal service. To be honest, I think they�re liable to hurt themselves worse this way. It�s been a growing trend to forego traditional mail in favour of the more rapid email, this will force that trend into accelerated growth. When I�ve had birthday cards sent by my mom ripped open en route by postal employees in search of cash, and I�ve had packages I�ve mailed to friends either ripped open or mysteriously never arrive, I find myself being short on sympathy for them when they demand more pay, more benefits, more in general.

Ever know you have to do something and your heart just isn�t in it? I have my work cut out for me over the next few days, and I know I can do it� I just would so much rather just sit at home with Oscar and listen to the radio. Just tune it to something happy and sit on the lawn recliner with Oscar at my feet and drink lemonade in the sun, maybe with a good book.

Speaking of that bad little dog, last night he stole my socks again! I know I took them off when I came in, because my feet were sore and I wanted to soak them. I had my vibrating foot massager all set up (lavender scented bath salts in the water), and I was just starting to relax when he dashed by with my sock in his mouth. I was too tired to go chasing after him, so I just pretended I didn�t see him� and now the sock is Missing In Action. I think he has some secret place he hoards them all. Somewhere, there�s a mysterious Sock Graveyard where they go to die after being chewed thoroughly by a schnauzer.

Last night this woman came up to me and told me that the ladies� room was just disgusting, and it was far too awful for anyone to use it. She acted like there were horrendous atrocities in the bathroom, and that it had been made that way just to personally offend her. She made it sound like the toilet was a gateway to the Seventh Level of Hell or something.

So I go in there, wearing industrial-strength rubber gloves and expecting the worst. Three and a half years of working there has prepared me for just about any disgusting mess in the bathroom you can imagine- I�ve actually seen dried, used tampons stuck to the stall walls like a new bloody variety of climbing rodent. I�ve seen messes left by grown men who missed the toilet altogether, and managed somehow to get it halfway up the wall instead. People are so disgusting, and when someone tells me that the bathroom is disgusting, I always steel myself for the most unpleasant thing I can visualize.

There were three drops of pee on the toilet seat and two pieces of tissue in the toilet. Not even on the seat, or the floor, or stuck to the wall. In the toilet.

I�m going to start handing out awards for the biggest exaggeration I hear over the course of a week.

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