Listening To:She Bop... Cyndi Lauper

Reading:a battered paperback fantasy from the 70's... title escapes me right now

Wishing:for Portia to land safely tomorrow

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2003-08-30 - 1:45 p.m.
Gay Bar!

What an incredible few days. I went with Portia to the local gay bar and we watched a great drag queen show- Princess was fascinated by a �boy� who was very cute and did a fantastic dance routine. Imagine her shock when we discovered that �Jack� wasn�t really a boy! Portia and I got our pictures taken with the Queen running the show, and we both got smooched on the cheek. Great fun! I enjoy going there, the people there just seem so relaxed and unpretentious- they don�t seem to make the same effort to be cool as people in the other clubs seem to. I told her "now, when you get home... you have to tell your mom that your supervisor from work took you to a gay bar where you were smooched on the cheek by a drag queen." How many people can say that?

This morning we went out for breakfast- Princess, Portia, Chou-Chou and me� lots of photos and a little leakage from the corners of my eyes. I can�t wait to see how they all turn out! I feel sad that she�s going away, but it�s only for a few months and we can stay in touch via letters, email, and phone calls. I do have a flat rate within Canada after 6pm!

My phone is out of order� sort of. I can make calls just fine, but I can�t receive them. Called the repair service, and they showed up because they were ahead of schedule, but W.O.V. was here and I wasn�t. He told them not to fix it because it was going to be 90$, not realizing that I had paid for line insurance and it was covered by the plan. I don�t know if we�d be covered to have them fix it if I called them back for the same problem twice. He means well, but if my brother can�t fix it when he comes by, we�ll have to call the repair service again and it won�t be fixed at least until Monday, possibly longer. In the meantime, I could be missing important calls. Mainly I am worried that the boss could be trying to tell me something important that I need to know for this afternoon. I would have no way of knowing! What a pain in the *ss. I wish they�d held off showing up for a few minutes. If I had been here when the repairman arrived, it�d be fixed by now.

Ah, well. Could be worse. I�ve installed telephone jacks before, so I can likely fix it myself later. And if the boss needs anything really important, he can call me at work this afternoon- he knows where I�ll be.

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