Listening To:Rocky Raccoon... the Beatles

Reading:Lord Foul's Bane... Stephen Donaldson

Wishing:that summer wasn't over so quickly!

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2003-09-05 - 11:59 a.m.
W.O.V.'s birthday cake

I decided that perhaps I was best off not to take two days of classes on top of five days of work, so I�m only going to take Sunday classes rather than Sunday and Wednesday. I decided I am not suicidal and I don�t need to set a pace that will likely kill me. Seven days a week would likely not be good for my mental health.

Was W.O.V.�s birthday yesterday, I made him a crazy-looking cake. Check it out.

I don�t think this sort of thing is what the boss had in mind when he had me trained to decorate cakes.

My budget for Christmas this year is going to be minimal, so I decided that I�d start making presents now. Most everyone will be getting homemade gifts this year. I�ve already begun knitting mitts and gloves, and I�ll be making a trip to Lewiscraft to get some more ornaments and supplies to decorate. I figure if I make one or two little things during my days off between now and then, by Christmas I�ll be well set in the gift department. You really do have to start early if you�re on a tight budget. I wish I had a bigger freezer- I�d be able to make more cookies and things ahead of time and freeze them. Martha Stewart has nothing on me when it comes to holiday stuff.

Oscar was funny yesterday, he was adamantly refusing to get up in the morning. So, since it was my day off and all, I decided he knew best and we could both go back to sleep. An hour or so later when he decided it was time to get up, he bullied me out of bed quite forcefully! Jumping up and down on the bed, pulling the covers off with his teeth, growling� there was no ignoring him. When it�s his idea, there�s no arguing.

Two more days of work and then my first class. This ought to be an interesting weekend.

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