Listening To:Eleanor Rigby... the Beatles

Reading:Lord Foul's Bane... Stephen Donaldson

Wishing:for something secret... not telling anyone :P

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2003-09-06 - 11:50 a.m.
classes begin tomorrow

Tomorrow I start classes- the class I originally wanted was cancelled, so instead of taking �Human Rights and Employment Law�, I am taking �Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Claims Adjudication�. While I am disappointed because it wasn�t the one I was more interested in, it is just as well because I already have a fair grasp of the Employment Standards Act and the Human Rights Commission stuff and how it applies to my workplace. I don�t understand the WSIB stuff as well, but that�s mainly because I haven�t much had to deal with them yet. I figure it�s best for me to be prepared ahead of time, and if/when it ever comes up, it is best if I know what I�m doing.

It�s going to suck to get up at 6:30 AM tomorrow morning in order to get on the bus and travel to the college, then spend all day in classes� but it�ll be worth it. I have to keep telling myself that this is a means to an end, and that only hard work and self-discipline will get me what I want. No-one is going to just give me what I want, I have to earn it.

Still, I wish I had more time to have fun. I kind of miss having fun.

I think I�ll go out and get really drunk tomorrow night.

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