Listening To:Hunchback of Wellington Street... me!

Reading:Lord Foul's Bane... Stephen Donaldson

Wishing:i could stay home with Oscar tonight

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2003-09-06 - 1:53 p.m.
Hunchback of Wellington Street

For a change of pace, I thought it might be interesting to post some lyrics to some of the songs I�ve written the past few years. This one is still one of my favourites, it was inspired by a nightmare I had about the downtown core.

The Hunchback of Wellington Street

I wander the streets and I lower my eyes

I know I am different, but I don�t know why

I count black-clad children in velvet at my feet and I am looking for the hunchback of Wellington Street.

Gore Park is a great cathedral where pigeons and seagulls are saints and apostles

They know what it means to be free

I look to my dreams, they say they will take her

The butcher, the baker and candlestick maker

I look down my arms and I am bathing in red as visions of sugarplums dance in their heads

And I am whirling in the sounds of the cathedral where beggars and old men are devils and angels

They know what it means to be free

Something missing, something gone

Something tainted, something wrong

The spirit of the city keeps him young

Yet he knows the way to escape

I dry salted tears on the back of my sleeve

I know I can�t stay here, but I don�t want to leave

He bleeds in the fountain and the water is cleaned and he�s linked to the city in ways no-one sees

For the hunchback is the soul of the cathedral and he loves them all though he knows not a one

Of the people jealous of his freedom

There are many other songs, but most of them won�t be posted because they�re kind of raw and dirty, and Portia already teases me for being "not pure".

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