Listening To:Canadiana CD... The end of the World as We Know It... Great Big Sea

Reading:school sh*t still

Wishing:for red pants to go with my costume

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Monday, Oct. 27, 2003 - 1:31 p.m.
squatters, poor rat, and Hallowe'en costume

I went to bed early last night, and slept peacefully for some time. Then I had a dream.

I dreamt that my mom had squatters on her property. Some big biker guy and his common-law trashy wife. They were a real piece of work. Every time my mom left her house they would break in and make themselves comfortable, and then she�d have to think of new schemes to get them out of there. The police were of little use because it took so long to get them there. At one point she convinced them somehow that the house was on fire to get them out� and were they ever mad when they realized it was a trick!

We thought that Helga was going to be okay. We really did. After we performed surgery on her, we thought she�d recover. And she was improving, she really was. But now she has another weird, swollen thing on her� and we�re pretty sure she�s got some form of cancer. Nothing we can do for her but take good care of her, and when the time comes that she�s suffering and we know there�s no more we can do� W.O.V. will take her outside and do the merciful thing. I hate to think about it, she�s been a good little friend� but I refuse to allow a little friend to suffer. I don�t want to lose her, but I�m kind of resigned to it. Poor little thing.

I decided that Beaupeep�s education had been sadly neglected in the area of the best Canadian music, so I�ve made him a Canadiana CD. It�s all packed up and ready to go� I�ll be stopping in the post office tomorrow before work to ship it out. I was going to send it today, but I got caught up with schoolwork and laundry and stuff, and with the miserable rainy-ness of the day, I just couldn�t bring myself to make that length of a trip. Considering I have to mail my schoolwork out either tomorrow or Wednesday anyway, it�s not going to hurt anything for the disc to go at that time too. Besides, I�ve decided I like this CD enough to make a copy of it for myself before I mail it! Anyone else want one? You can always tell Canadian pop, because it involves lots of accordions.

I�ve decided on my Hallowe�en costume for work. Originally I was going to wear an old-school uniform and put bullet holes in my head to be the dead manager, but then I decided that might be too gory to wear in a family-oriented atmosphere. I�ve settled on going as one of the Things from The Cat in the Hat. I bought a big blue wig from Wal-Mart, and I have a red shirt I�ll add a big, round felt circle to the front of, with the appropriate lettering. Very cheap, very easy, and instantly recognizable. I just had to try on the wig as soon as I got home.

Cute, isn�t it?

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