Listening To:my Launchcast station again... Basin St. Blues... Louis Armstrong

Reading:finishing my schoolwork

Wishing:that i could just stay home and be mellow with the dog all day

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Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2003 - 12:52 p.m.
Space Ghost!

Okay, my bad.

I know Oscar hasn�t been updating much, but here�s the thing.

I�ve hardly had enough time to write all the things I want to, and it�s just been too much to ensure his diary gets updated as well. His entries would all get awfully samey as well- �today Mummy was mean, she made me go for a walk in the rain. I stole her socks to get even and growled at a kitty sitting on my porch.� That kind of thing. I made him the diary partly as an exercise in my knowledge of HTML, and also as a joke. Seems like an awful lot of trouble to keep it current just for a joke, wouldn�t you say? I�m sure he�ll still update once in a while, but I think he�s lost interest in it for the most part. He�d rather chew his squeaky pork chop than sit at the computer with me.

In other news�

Oh Joy of Joys! My All-Time favourite show is set for release on DVD� well, the first season, anyway. I hate when cool stuff like this comes out right before Christmas and my birthday, because I don�t dare buy it. More than likely, someone in my family will pick it up for me. (not-so-subtle hint� this is the #1 item on my list this year) It�s probably just as well, I can�t really afford to be buying movies and stuff right now- I have to scrape together my registration fees and then whatever my next textbook is going to cost. Probably be between 50-60$ again on top of the registration. I might not be starving, but I have to keep in mind how many hours it takes for me to earn that much coin, and Christmas is coming as well. Although most people on my list are getting unique, handmade gifts� I still need to buy some things and I still have to have enough money to pay for some of the required supplies to finish said gifts. Maybe it�s a little early to be worrying about this, but if I don�t look at it all ahead of time it becomes a huge hassle. I hate going to malls and trying to shop during November and December. I�d much rather make pretty things in the comfort of my own home that will be completely unique and special to that person.

I have an autographed photo of Space Ghost that says:

�Citizen Vego:

Can you see my undies?

P.S. no-one likes unsightly lines.

love, Space Ghost�

It�s one of the greatest treasures in my possession.

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