Listening To:Piece of my Heart... Janis Joplin on my Completely Random Playlist

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Wishing:the weird rattling to go away

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Thursday, Jan. 22, 2004 - 2:04 a.m.
Dare to Compare

I can�t be the only one that sees the resemblance between those two.

I despise the neighborhood I work in. Tonight we found a used syringe in the men�s bathroom. And it was a slow night!

I have a weird rattle in the bottom of my chest. I think I might have some sort of low-grade respiratory infection. Funny thing is, other than the weird rattle and the cough that won�t go away, I feel fine! Been going to work and staying busy, and I am not feeling too badly at all.

Still, I guess it wouldn�t hurt me to make an appointment and get it looked at.

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