Listening To:Feet Up, Pat him on the Po-Po

Reading:The Hundred Secret Senses, Amy Tan

Wishing:to feel like myself again

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Monday, Mar. 08, 2004 - 1:09 p.m.
Having a 9-inch Q-Tip up your nose...

is not pleasant. It's actually ridiculously uncomfortable.

i also had my head X-rayed. Is it just me who worries when the technician races out of the room before taking the pictures, to avoid exposure to radiation? i think "HEY! why is it okay for *me* to be irradiated, but not you?"

Then when they bring out the lead apron, i think... "oh, goody. Now i can be irradiated AND get lead poisoning!"

Turns out i have a pretty good sinus infection.

The doctor gave me the biggest antibiotic pills i have ever seen.

i read the instructions three times because i had a hard time believing that i was supposed to take them orally.

Still, this explains why i've had a headache for the past month that wouldn't go away. The headache is gone now, which caused me to be sickeningly cheerful all day. It feels like this isn't even my head any more.

That headache was a big part of why i haven't been updating. Should be mostly back to normal now.

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