Listening To:mix 99.9

Reading:The Hundred Secret Senses, Amy Tan

Wishing:something secret

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Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2004 - 1:13 p.m.
stupid astrocenter gives me my horoscope for today as:

�You are in need of a mental health day, VEGO, so why not take it today? You can still check your phone and email messages in order to avoid any guilt about slacking off completely. Meanwhile, you can bring that new box of chocolates into bed with you. You delight in the decadence. This is just what your poor beaten down soul needed!

Stupid horoscope. Not realizing that when people at home make me crazy, it�s better for my mental health for me to be at work. Besides, I don�t have to work tomorrow, so I can stay in and be as lazy as I want then. I don�t have a new box of chocolates, but it does sound pretty good� some decadence tomorrow appeals to me. Oscar seems to have missed me past few days, so I�ll spend some extra time with him.

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