Listening To:My launchcast station

Reading:Empire State

Wishing:for the call centre job

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Friday, Oct. 15, 2004 - 12:24 p.m.
calm and unconcerned

This ought to be an interesting day. I�ve still heard nothing back from the boss, but it�s payday and I have to stop in to get my cheque whether he�s called or not. It will be interesting to see what happens, if I am even still on the schedule or not. I�m surprised at how calm and unconcerned about it I am- I know that one way or the other, things will work out just fine. They need me far more than I need them- there�s such a demand for qualified people in customer service here that I can have a new job within a week. I am unafraid, and I feel I deserve better than a place that can�t appreciate the efforts I was putting in. There will be people more than happy to make use of my talents, and I don�t have anything to fear.
In other news, my health continues to improve and I am almost back to normal. Well, as normal as I ever am. My arms still look pretty nasty from the places they took blood and had the IV tubes in- I look like a junkie. These bruises on the insides of my elbows really do look incriminating, so no short sleeved shirts for me this week. On the upside, being on many stimulants for my asthma and being half-starved in the hospital has enabled me to lose 5 pounds this week. While it�s not a diet method I would recommend, I refuse to be unhappy about the results. I need new underwear, though- all mine are sliding off my bum when I walk. That is less than comfortable.
I wish the sun would come out. It�s been overcast and damp for two days, and I have laundry I want to put on the clothesline. The gloomy weather�s made Oscar just want to hang out with me, snoozing by my feet� and not really interested in long walks. Just as well, I like the cozy times with him. If the call center job works out for me, I can work from home. That�d be fantastic, it�d mean lots of time with him and he�d never be lonesome while I was at work. It would mean I could spend more time on my creative projects and I could write more, and it would mean I could go to school in evenings and not worry about wearing myself out for work the next morning. It would mean minimal exposure to viruses and flu and other illnesses as well- less chance of getting sick again. And if I did? I could still work, unless I was really poorly off. The past few days I wouldn�t have been up to working in the store, but I could�ve been taking calls and answering inquiries. I could work in my pj�s, if I felt like it!
I had better get moving. There are only so many hours in the day, and I have an appointment later. I still have more laundry to do, and grocery shopping, and other inane household activities. The bathroom really should be cleaned today, and I have dishes to do. And I really should go find out if I�ve been fired or not!

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