Listening To:Weather With You... Crowded House

Reading:I'll Be There- Iris Rainer Dart

Wishing:some sweet, dreamless sleep

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Monday, Oct. 18, 2004 - 11:08 a.m.
good news and sleeplessness

I found my wallet! Thank God. It was in the laundry- I thought I had gone through all the pants pockets I had, but I must�ve missed this pair. It actually survived the washer and dryer, so I have all my ID back as well as my Air Miles card and my card that allows me discount for myself & my guests at sister stores. that one is a little worse for wear, but it lived and it only has to last until the 31st when my new card becomes effective anyway. I�m just glad that with things being kind of messed up the past few weeks, I hadn�t really done much work on getting everything replaced. The only thing was my bank card, which doesn�t cost nearly so much as the birth certificate or health card. The birth certificate is a difficult one to get now- almost as much trouble as a passport.
I still have a job. This is good; it�s nice to know I still have a steady source of income. I�m warier now, and I don�t trust them the same way I did, but I will continue to work to the best of my ability and at the same time, keep my eyes and options open. It�s really quite liberating- I�ve never been able to separate myself so fully from work once I left it before. See, I give second chances. I don�t give third, fourth, fifth any more. These guys are getting the benefit of the doubt for the moment, but they don�t get another shot should they even make me suspect they�ll screw me over. I am firstly obligated to myself, to look after myself and be happy in the environment I work in.
In other news, I discovered yesterday that I could see the CN tower from the street by my house! I can�t believe I�ve lived here more than two months now and never noticed it before. I feel so unobservant. I also discovered a lovely international foods store that sells fresh hummus and tabbouleh! I invited W.O.V. to come visit on Saturday, and we had our belated Thanksgiving dinner� and I had my favourite middle Eastern foods. I made pork chops for W.O.V. and we watched TV and hung out the rest of the evening, just chatting and hanging out quietly. Was one of the most pleasant days I�ve spent in some weeks.
I have insomnia now. The steroid pills used to treat my recent bout with asthma do have that effect on me- my ventures into dreamland have been brief and fitful. While night before last I had little to complain about ( I had a very naughty dream involving Jon Stewart from The Daily Show), last night�s dream involving my old mentor leaving Canada in order to study with monks in Tibet and returning to fight terrorism in Toronto in unusual and forbidden martial-arts moves� well, after waking up from that, I decided it was probably best to give up on getting any more sleep for the night. There was no way I could doze off again with that imagery flooding my brain. What the Hell is wrong with my subconscious? Where do I get these ideas? Like there�s not enough bad martial-arts drama on Canadian television, I don�t need to be dreaming up more of it.
I think my landlady and her kids broke my dog last night. They took Oscar for a 2-hour walk� he�s used to 45 mins or so. Not knowing this, when I got home from work yesterday, I took him for a good one as well. Of course he went, he adores his walking time with Mummy! I did think he seemed to be kind of dawdling, but he does that sometimes just because he catches an interesting smell that he feels should be investigated. When we came home, he plopped down on the couch beside me, and didn�t move the rest of the night. I asked him later if he wanted to go out for a walk, he looked at me like I just had to be joking. He outright refused to go! I was astounded- I�ve never known him to pass up walk before. He had to have been pretty pooped- he is still tired this morning! We went out for AM constitutional, but he crawled right back into bed after. I�m thinking I might just go join him for a bit� I�ve got the day off and I�m still feeling kind of worn from the not-quite-enough sleep I got last night.

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