Listening To:nothing, going to go lie down

Reading:feel to crummy to read

Wishing:for this cold to go away

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2003-09-22 - 4:36 p.m.
got another cold, hot or not

Last night I went to bed a bit early. I had been lying on the couch watching Secretary again, and realizing I couldn�t keep my eyes open to the ending, no matter how much I love this film. It has to be the first romantic comedy I�ve enjoyed in, oh say�. ever. I generally hate romantic comedies, they�re so predictable. Give me a good black comedy any day with a little romance thrown in for good measure, that�s how to do it. But I digress. I was very sleepy, so I went to bed.

It seems like the next thing I knew, there was a phone in my hand, and it was the boss asking me to go in to work. So I went� I made it there in just over 30 minutes, a new record for me. I kept things going and eventually came home- I�m tired, and I feel kind of punked out. I think I managed to get that cold everyone�s been passing around, so I�ll be going to bed early tonight and not going out. I have a fever and my throat is just burning, and the last I need is for this to get bad like it did last winter.

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