Listening To:Taking Over Me... Evanescence

Reading:Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen Donaldson

Wishing:for my lungs to stop hurting and to get a good night's sleep

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2003-09-23 - 7:48 p.m.
I'm an 8.3! woohoo!

My chest has this weird, sick feeling inside when I inhale, as well as this deep, rattling cough. The joys of chronic asthma! No boring head colds for me, goodness no. I get a head cold and it almost automatically develops into� � bronchitis!

Actually, I think I might yet escape the more serious ailment and get away with just a bitch of a cold if I can get enough sleep tonight. You know, give my white blood cells a chance to do battle. It shouldn�t be too hard for me to get to sleep- I�m going to take a bath (with lots of green apple-scented bubbles) and take some vitamins and some night-time cold relief tablets, and curl up downstairs with Oscar.

Currently, on the HotOrNot.comsite, I�ve been rated by 425 people and my picture has scored an average rating of 8.3, making me statistically hotter than 81% of all the women on that site.

Go me.

To be honest, I rather expected to be somewhere around 5, if people were feeling kind. I guess the nerdslut look is �in� these days.

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